You can return to the initial state by clicking the reset button.You can delete it by selecting the circumference line you want to delete from the avatar or by selecting the item in the fitting suit window and clicking the delete button.At this time, if the avatar is not created properly, we recommend creating it manually.
※ Note: You can create each by clicking the Symmetry button off at the top. → The circumference line on both sides are automatically created symmetrically. For optimal placement of the jacket front panels, place the wearer’s right front Pattern above the wearer’s left front Pattern, with a small overlap at Center Front. → The pattern of the fitting suit is displayed. High poly thick mesh only Not retopologized Seamline, topstitch and. Main Menu▶ Avatar ▶ Avatar Editor ▶ Fitting Suit Resources - Classic Suit Jacket, Marvelous Designer, Clo3D +fbx, obj, USD 2.00.